Yes, I have another post about motorists- they may just be the thing that angers me most (and I'm really not an angry person, mind you).
Yesterday was beautiful so I went for a bike ride on a trail near my house. For once I went without my iPod and it was a nice change to hear nature instead of music in my ears. The trail crosses a couple of roads, one major, the other just petty little roads (who needs 'em). I come up to the road and this sign is VERY clearly posted for the drivers to see
Now what part of STATE LAW do you not understand? I stood and waited with my bike for 5 cars to pass before a nice, law-abiding driver stopped for me which I promptly waved to thank them for such a nice gesture. I get if someone's just coming up to the crosswalk and the driver's a too little close for them to slam on their brakes to stop for; But when someone's just standing there waiting to cross the road for a while, stop already! That's just rude. Especially for runners. Sometimes that momentum is tough to build back up.
Second of all. What's up with posting these in your car windows? Maybe you have the cutest baby in the world (according to someone besides yourself) but am I supposed to care? Because I really don't. Is it a way of advertising you gave birth or is it a way of saying "Drive really slowly around me, because I have a precious life in my car that I need to protect." Well so do I, it's called my own, but you don't see me advertising that. According to society, the three biggest groups of people that need to be protected are women, babies, and older people, and girls have taken care of announcing that they're driving by displaying proud license plates and stickers that say "BITCH" and "Mom's Taxi." In the spirit of driving safely, I've created a sticker for the other group to display proudly in their car
And without further adieu, a song that I'm loving recently:
Yesterday was beautiful so I went for a bike ride on a trail near my house. For once I went without my iPod and it was a nice change to hear nature instead of music in my ears. The trail crosses a couple of roads, one major, the other just petty little roads (who needs 'em). I come up to the road and this sign is VERY clearly posted for the drivers to see
Now what part of STATE LAW do you not understand? I stood and waited with my bike for 5 cars to pass before a nice, law-abiding driver stopped for me which I promptly waved to thank them for such a nice gesture. I get if someone's just coming up to the crosswalk and the driver's a too little close for them to slam on their brakes to stop for; But when someone's just standing there waiting to cross the road for a while, stop already! That's just rude. Especially for runners. Sometimes that momentum is tough to build back up.
Second of all. What's up with posting these in your car windows? Maybe you have the cutest baby in the world (according to someone besides yourself) but am I supposed to care? Because I really don't. Is it a way of advertising you gave birth or is it a way of saying "Drive really slowly around me, because I have a precious life in my car that I need to protect." Well so do I, it's called my own, but you don't see me advertising that. According to society, the three biggest groups of people that need to be protected are women, babies, and older people, and girls have taken care of announcing that they're driving by displaying proud license plates and stickers that say "BITCH" and "Mom's Taxi." In the spirit of driving safely, I've created a sticker for the other group to display proudly in their car
And without further adieu, a song that I'm loving recently: