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Sweetmeat and the Silverfish

Sweetmeat and the Silverfish
Sweetmeat and the Silverfish

With a name as intriguing as Sweetmeat and the Silverfish, it might be hard to not see what the band has to offer. Will it be ear candy or somewhat hard to swallow?
The first track, “Can’t Start” in fact, does start, and very nicely, indeed. A mix of saxophone, acoustic guitar and keyboards flow into a toe-tapping steady beat. Michael Stefanski, the lead singer, has a voice that sometimes can leave something to be desired. While his voice has a huskiness that fits in well with the rock genre, sometimes it can sound a little strained and not flow particularly well with the music. “Too Much Talk” brings with it a ska feel, especially with the fast piano chords. The whole CD has ska and reggae elements such as accented offbeat’s, bluesy chords, and a few horns thrown in here and there.
“Texas” might be the most fun track on the album. The guitar riff and beat in the song is very reggae and has a feel-good style, whereas “Grey Mourning” is sort of depressing, not only by the title but also by the sad musical composition and lyrics.
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