So Today is International Beatles Freak Day! Take a look at the holiday's website.
In honor of the fabulous day I've created a little story. It's kinda corny, but was fun to write- Enjoy!
Good Morning Good Morning!
Yes It Is but Tell Me Why you woke me from my Golden Slumbers? It was a Hard Day’s Night! I worked like a dog!
I Should’ve Known Better. I thought the Two Of Us could walk The Long And Winding Road to the shoppe. I think it’ll be fun In Spite of All the Danger!
I’ve Got a Feeling I don’t have a choice.
So how are you doing today?
I Feel Fine. Lend Me Your Comb so I can get ready. And can you give me some Help! I can’t find my other Old Brown Shoe.
Sure no problem.
-Ahh! What was that!? I’ve Just Seen a Face!
Oh, it’s just Michelle. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window.
How peculiar. Natural occurrence though, I suppose. Can’t we just Drive My Car to the shoppe?
So what’s new? How is Julia?
Well, I told her ‘I wanna Be Your Man’ and she said Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby and walked away. I Just Don’t Understand. I thought I was a good guy So How Come No One Loves Me?
Cheer up, I know She Loves You. But what do you expect? She’s A Woman. Why don’t you ask a female for advice? Your Mother Should Know something about her own kind.
That’s a good idea. Hey! Slow Down you Little Child! You Can’t Do That! Wow…can you believe kids these days? Running around with the old Fool On the Hill’s dentures. I hope When I’m Sixty Four my grandchildren behave better than that.
Gee, Penny Lane sure is long. Took a good half hour to get to the shoppe. Say, can I borrow a fiver for this notepad? I need it real bad.
You didn’t bring any Money??
Oh c’mon. You Never Give Me Your Money. It’s gonna burn a hole in your pocket. Oh! I need some Cayenne pepper. I almost forgot. Fine, here’s five bucks but next time I’m not coming if you’re gonna ask me for dough, know what I Mean Mr. Mustard? Ooh what’s this….
Will you Let It Be already? I’m So Tired and When I Get Home I have to sleep Because tomorrow is a very special day! International Beatles Freak Day!
Didn’t you tell me The Night Before that it was Yesterday?
No I didn’t…but anyway, you have to rest too, because it won’t just be This Boy that’s wearing a mop top wig – You, me, and Beatles fans from Across The Universe will be celebrating!