So I've been able to keep my tips for 2 nights so far. The other time spent (2 weeks) was ALL training in which I made a fabulous 7 something an hour- how can people live on minimum wage these days? I couldn't do that, and I don't even have kids..- anyway, the first night I was working I accidentally brewed iced tea in the coffee pot (teehee) What an ultramaroon! I felt so silly, but luckily I was forgiven since it was "my first day." But even still, c'mon..I was a teeny bit embarrassed, and mind you, I don't often get embarrassed. Other than that, the two nights went pretty darn well if I do say so myself. The restaurant has been "REALLY slow" for this time of year. Just my luck. With July 4th next week, it'll be even more dead. Nice. One of my BFFs is getting married in August in California and I'm trying to save up money to get there. This is where she's getting married Does it get much more beautiful than that? I'm super...
Life is beautiful. This is my little corner of the internet. Join me in enjoying things!