Yes, I have another post about motorists- they may just be the thing that angers me most (and I'm really not an angry person, mind you). Yesterday was beautiful so I went for a bike ride on a trail near my house. For once I went without my iPod and it was a nice change to hear nature instead of music in my ears. The trail crosses a couple of roads, one major, the other just petty little roads (who needs 'em). I come up to the road and this sign is VERY clearly posted for the drivers to see Now what part of STATE LAW do you not understand? I stood and waited with my bike for 5 cars to pass before a nice, law-abiding driver stopped for me which I promptly waved to thank them for such a nice gesture. I get if someone's just coming up to the crosswalk and the driver's a too little close for them to slam on their brakes to stop for; But when someone's just standing there waiting to cross the road for a while, stop already! That's just rude. Especially for runners....
Life is beautiful. This is my little corner of the internet. Join me in enjoying things!